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Boyle Insurance Agency, Inc.
An insurance agency that does things differently.
Since our start in 1933, 博伊尔保险机构一直专注于采取韦德足球官网方法来满足我们所服务的企业和个人的保险需求. In addition to insurance, we offer professional services including risk management, 要求监督, 员工福利 planning, replacement cost appraisal.
我们的友好, 经验丰富的团队致力于社区参与并积极参与专业组织. 我们为我们的团队致力于改善当地社区和我们所服务的客户而感到自豪, 我们期待与您合作,使您的保险体验尽可能简单.
As an independent insurance agency, we strive to serve the many insurance needs of businesses, 家庭, 私人客户. 因为我们是独立的,我们优先考虑的是您,而不是保险公司. 我们代表许多韦德足球官网保险公司,提供各种各样的保险选择,帮助您保护您所建立的和您最珍视的东西. Learn more about our agency.
Friendly, Experienced Team
Our team is not only dedicated to you, 许多人把时间和精力投入到社区参与和专业关系中.
Insurance can be stressful, 但我们会尽我们所能使它尽可能简单和无麻烦.
真正的客户. 真正的评论. 真实的报道.
“I have enjoyed working with you over the years. You have been honest 和 diligent in your profession. I thank you for your 帮助, honest 和 great conversations.”
– Robert 和 Jessie Blair
The Advantage of an Independent Agency Working for You
What makes our independent agency different?
We represent multiple insurance companies.
We are licensed insurance advisors.
We offer a wide variety of insurance solutions.
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如果董事会成员不明智地投资了非营利组织的资产,结果失去了一切,会发生什么? 债权人可以起诉非营利组织及其董事和官员. Non-profit organizations are not immune to lawsuits. 有人可能不同意你管理公司的方式,并提起诉讼. 通常, non-profits don't have deep pockets to fight these types of lawsuits, therefore putting the organization at risk.
Directors 和 军官 liability insurance protects your directors, 军官, 受托人, 员工, 志愿者, the entity from any act or alleged act, 错误, 遗漏, 错报, 误导性陈述, 或者违反义务.
地板上有水,冬天入口湿滑,碎玻璃/危险碎片等. 这些都是可能发生的意外,使你的非营利组织容易受到影响. 索赔可能会因人身伤害、财产损失、人身伤害等而产生.
General liability insurance is an absolute necessity for any business. It provides broad coverage when you are deemed responsible 和 liable, 并将支付辩护任何涵盖的诉讼或行动,无论其价值.
如果你的员工受伤或生病,由于与工作有关的事件, you are required by law to have the proper coverage in place.
雇员补偿保障雇员在受雇期间因工受伤或生病. This coverage is required by law 和 may vary by area, 所以一定要了解你在所有经营业务的实体场所以及你雇佣员工的实体场所所承担的义务.
当火灾发生时, 盗窃, or another type of disaster strikes, 你的商业财产和其中的一切都可能遭受重大损失. This can have a detrimental effect on your organization.
商业财产保险可以帮助保护企业拥有和租赁的财产, including things like equipment, 库存, 家具, 及设施. Whether you own your building or lease your workspace, 商业财产保险可以单独购买,也可以与其他必要的保险相结合,以保护企业的实物资产.
平均而言,估计五分之三的企业将被员工起诉. Claims can stem from just about anything, such as someone taking a joke the wrong way 和 being offended. 虽然你无法阻止别人提起诉讼, 你可以做一些事情来限制为法律索赔辩护的成本.
正确的覆盖范围对您的风险管理过程至关重要,因为它可以防止歧视, 错误的终止, 性骚扰, other employment-related allegations.
如果电子邮件病毒影响了数据库的运行,使您一天或更长时间无法为客户提供服务,您该怎么办? 或者,如果黑客或网络罪犯导致系统中断或延长停机时间怎么办, leaving your business inoperable? 这些和其他事件会破坏你服务客户和带来收入的能力, 哪些因素会对企业的生存能力产生重大的长期影响.
如果你的公司由于商业财产保险政策所涵盖的与灾害相关的损失而无法正常运营,商业收入保险会赔偿你的收入损失, such as a data breach or cyber attack. Business income insurance covers the revenue you would have earned, based on your financial records, had the disaster not occurred. The policy also covers operating expenses, 像电, 即使商业活动暂时停止,这种情况仍在继续.
诉讼可能发生在任何人身上,无论你赢还是输,损害都可能是巨大的. Even if you’ve done nothing wrong, you’ll need to defend yourself. So regardless of whether a contract requires it, without professional liability coverage, you could be putting your business’ future at risk.
Similar to directors 和 军官 liability insurance, 职业责任保险保护因组织管理不善而导致的责任, 以及与工作场所有关的索赔,如歧视或性骚扰. It covers not only directors 和 军官, 还有员工, 志愿者, the non-profit organization itself.
非营利保险 101
Make sure you cover the unique risks you face with non-profit insurance.
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